Greetings from Queen Creek. I saw a notice in Queen Creek newspaper the Queen Creek Independent. The title was ARE YOU A BLOGGER? GET A NEWSZAP LINK! They stated that they were looking into broadening their list of columnists and bloggers. They continued, If you are a local blogger please visit and add a link. The newspaper will consider publishing timely postings as news or commentaries on its pages.
Sounds great! I went to their site and checked it out. Only one other blogger from Queen Creek and this progressive individual is posting a blog regarding the local music scene. Pretty cool. Music is good.
So I signed up as a blogger. I have not shown up on the site yet. I know not everyone will like my views but I hope I don't get run out of blog town.
Well, enough about me.... This week I experienced some personal road rage. No one was harmed but my car was filled with curse words. I'm sure I am not alone, but since the Ironwood road project began I have searched for the quickest route to I-60 from Queen Creek. I have been so late for work so many times when I try to take Ironwood that I have sworn off it in the mornings as it is too unpredictable. Some days I just cannot make a quick escape to my high paying sexy job in greater Phoenix.
The line to Ellsworth or should I say Hellsworth.
Most days it takes me about 30 minutes to get out of Queen Creek and onto the freeway. Believe me, I've tried them all. Ocotillo to Power and North to the 60. Rittenhouse to Power, cut through Williams Gateway Airport to Power to the 60. The list goes on. Each time I find a new route and get into the groove some new road construction pops up and messes with my plan to hit the high road.
My new favorite route is Ocotillo to Signal Butte, to Queen Creek, to Ellsworth. Quick going if you can get to Ellsworth before the school buses hit the road. If you are there at about 7 am (which is late for me) you are more than likely going to be stuck in a long line of traffic at this intersection. This week I spent 20 minutes in line for a drive of 1.2 miles. This intersection even has a light. I have no idea why this is such a bottleneck. All I know is that it stinks and it has made me late for work on more than one occasion.
The Queen Creek Indepedent lists upcoming road improvements in the area and boy are they expensive. $77,000 for improvements at Ocotillo and Sossaman,. another $190,000 for installation of a traffic signal there. Another $197,800 for installation of another light at Ocotillo & Hawes. This is currently a four way stop. There is a plan for some construction and Rittenhouse, Combs and Riggs to improve the railroad right of way and an additional $789,000 allotted by the Town of Queen Creek for a sewer line at Queen Creek Rd from Crismon to east of Signal Butte. And that's just the roads! Something to look forward too. I JUST WANT TO GET TO THE 60 SO I CAN GET TO WORK and pay for my new house in Queen Creek!
A view of the home offerings from my car. Many options for future loan defaults.
QC's stylish industrial style telephone poles. - Fugly? You be the judge.
More and more zoning signs appearing on farm land. This one is for 113 lots on 73 acres. Sounds cozy. But will they have sidewalks?
An interesting alternative to cell phone towers. I have seen a few of these around the Phoenix area and they fascinate me. Can you tell which one is the real palm?
Well enough blog rage for today. Please enjoy some recent photos of the area. Don't get me wrong, there are good things going on in Queen Creek. I guess I will have to blog about it sometime. Thanks for listening.
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