Monday, July 5, 2010

McDonalds or Fresh and Easy? New Poll

My poll topic today is dear to my heart. The San Tan Valley area is still starving for good fun restaurants and shops. There is a Fresh and Easy building at Ironwood and Ocotillo that has been built but never opened. This frustrates me to no end. Is the reason it has been standing emply the economy? I'm sort of tired of hearing this as an excuse. Yes, the economy is bad but we still have plenty of population here and a working population at that. Check out Ironwood or Ellsworth on any weekday morning at 7:30. You will see cars galore headed out to work. Albeit they are headed to other cities to work but they are working just the same.

We so need some good businesses around here. So here is my poll question this week. If a business was being built near your home would you prefer a McDonald's or a Fresh and Easy Market?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fresh and easy (hands down) why not cook your own food instead of fattening oily fried food. It's time we eat fresh and healthly! We got a walmart a frys that's it!? Come on! Once something opens here we get fast food crap in every main corner. Kinda sickening if you ask me.